
Exe4j_java_home To Point To An Installed 32-bit

  1. Please Define Exe4j Java Home
  2. Exe4j_java_home To Point To An Installed 32-bit For Pc

Please Define Exe4j Java Home


Exe4j_java_home To Point To An Installed 32-bit For Pc

During installation I picked my jre 64bit exe from Program Files, and am getting this error: MessageBox - Error - The JVM found at C: Program Files Java jre1.8.045 bin java.exe is damaged. Please reinstall or define EXE4JJAVAHOME to point to an installed 32-bit JDK or JRE. I'm getting the same, too. It's strange that the error message actually tells me to 'Please reinstall or define EXE4JJAVAHOME to point to an installed 64-bit JDK or JRE' yet, it seems that it actually wants a 32-bit version?

Edit: I went and installed the 32-bit version and the SI installer still isn't happy (same error). I've confirmed that the JRE version is actually 32-bit (it would be handy if the plain old -version gave up this information already, but Java doesn't do handy, I've learned).

• SMH means Shaking my head. • LMFAO means Laughing my freaking *a* off. Font • YOLO means You only live once. • NVM means Never mind. • IKR means I know, right.

I'm running Windows 7. Over the w/e I accepted an Oracle Java update to my computer. DbVis 9.0 had worked fine previously. Now, I can not start up DbVis v9. Here's the error message I receive in a popup box. 'No JVM could be found in your system. Please define EXE4JJAVAHOME to point to an installed 32-bit JDK or JRE or download a JRE from' It seems like the latest version of the java.exe is now I have tried to create an environment variable named EXE4JJAVAHOME = C: Program Files (x86) Java jre7 bin java.exe This attempted solution doesn't appear to work.

Any suggestions PLEASE!

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